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Noteworthy Podcasts

Live Inspired with John O'Leary

World-renowned inspirational speaker + national bestselling author John O’Leary wants to help you wake up from accidental living so you can do, be, achieve and impact more through your life. Live Inspired, the Noteworthy Collection features John's interviews with people who are living their best life. You'll hear conversations that will ignite a new chapter in your life. ... More...

What My Mom Susan O'Leary Taught Me

September 17, 202300:49:00

My mom has taught me more about resilience, faith, courage, redemption, family, love and life than ANYONE else in the world. That’s why I was so honored to have her as my very first guest of Live Inspired! If you’ve ever heard me speak, you’ve heard a lot about the impact my mom has had on my life. For those of you who’ve not, here is just one example. My mom and dad’s unauthorized biography of my life, Overwhelming Odds, is what encouraged me to accept, own and celebrate my scars and my story. As if that wasn’t enough! The initial 200 copies they printed to share with friends and family has resulted in my becoming a professional speaker nearly 10 years ago and the subsequent sale of more than 60,000 copies. With tears and laughter, this conversation will reassure you of the incredible power of faith, hope, prayer and community.